Xbox cloud gaming

Xbox cloud gaming-the new world of gaming with 6 new features



Xbox cloud gaming has a lot of people in a state of shock and confusion. Why is this happening? What does this mean for me? What can I do about it? Well, we’ve created a blog about educating gamers about xbox cloud gaming so that you don’t have to be in the dark anymore.

The xbox cloud gaming service enables gamers to play their Xbox games on their Windows computers, Mac OS X, or Linux devices. The xbox cloud gaming service is running in beta and is currently available on the following devices: iPhone, iPad, Android and other supported devices.

It’s the future and it’s here. The Xbox cloud gaming is one of the biggest gaming trends to hit the market in recent years along with other streaming services such as Playstation Now and Steam. In fact, both xbox and sony are rolling out new services that offer even better quality games than ever before.

General features of Xbox cloud gaming

XBOX Cloud Gaming is a new feature that allows you to stream your titles on the Xbox One and Xbox 360, giving you more freedom to play wherever you want.

With XBOX Cloud Gaming, you can play your favorite games while they are being played by other gamers around the world – all through an internet connection.

XBOX Cloud Gaming works with both the Xbox One and Xbox 360 consoles. If you have an Xbox Live Gold subscription, then you can try it out for free!

The benefit of XBox Cloud Gaming is that it allows users to play their favorite games from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. You no longer have to worry about connectivity issues or lag time because someone else is playing at the same time as you!

You can also use Cloud Gaming to try out new titles before buying them or renting them from an online store like Amazon, Google Play or iTunes.

The Xbox cloud gaming service is a great way to play games on your Xbox One and Windows 10 PC, but it’s not exactly the most intuitive piece of technology. We’re here to help you understand what cloud gaming is, how it works, and what it means for gamers.

What Is Cloud Gaming?

Cloud gaming refers to the ability of players to play video games from afar via their computers and consoles. The service allows gamers to play their favorite games from any location, with no need for a download or installation — just log in and play when you have time.

How Does It Work?

Cloud gaming services use servers hosted by Microsoft or other companies to host the video game files for your game. This means that you can access them from anywhere, whether you’re playing on your Xbox One console or computer at home or work.

XBOX One Cloud Gaming

The Xbox One cloud gaming service is a new way to play Xbox games on your Windows PC. It’s available as a free download, so you don’t need an Xbox membership to try it out.

 With the XBOX One cloud gaming service, you can play Xbox games from any device that has Internet connection — including PCs, tablets and phones — or even from your Xbox One console!

What is Xbox Live?

Xbox Live is a service that allows you to download and play games on your Xbox One, Xbox 360 and Windows 10 compatible device. You can also use your Xbox Live account to buy content from the Xbox Store, watch TV shows and movies on Netflix, listen to music from Groove Music or stream video from select services.

Xbox Live works with an internet connection and uses peer-to-peer technology to allow users to interact with each other. Users can play games together or chat with friends in real time using voice chat or text messaging. With the latest update, you can also use your phone as a controller for some games (more information below).

What kinds of games are available?

Xbox Live has over 100 titles available for free download through the Xbox Game Store. These include popular titles like Halo 5: Guardians and Rise of the Tomb Raider — both of which are available on both Xbox One consoles (including Project Scorpio) and Windows 10 PCs — as well as original titles like Sea of Thieves and Forza Horizon 3. 

There are also thousands of free trials available for select games that allow users to play their choice of games.


Streaming services are an interesting opportunity for gaming as a whole. Services like Gaikai and OnLive hold the potential to greatly expand the library of games available to players, introducing them to a veritable cornucopia of different titles. With time, these platforms could even grow to include exclusive titles that were originally presented on physical discs.